Another week in the life of a missionary!

Its already Monday again, its so weird how fast it goes by.  This week was a little frustrating, we really have problems with our investigators.  We can never talk to any of them, no matter what we do.  We call, we pass by, we send mesages, and we can never find them.  Its getting really difficult to make progress without the help of our investigators.  We also haven't been able to find many new people recently either.  We've started trying a bunch of different ways to find people, learning from return missionarie in the ward.  Its really nice to have a bunch of good examples here.  We have one member, the president of the elders quorum, who always comes out to help us.  He is great, he has so much energy and knowledge, its really good to work with him.  With him we work a lot with less actives, and we have been having more and more of them start coming back.  
We have some one close to baptism, Constanza, we have her interview sceduled in a 2 weeks, and we are really hoping she goes through with it.  We have to give her a lot of support these next few days, but we're really excited about it.  We're praying for her a lot to help her go through with it.  
Love you guys, talk to you next week
Elder Price

Letter to dad
Based on my agenda, I've been here for 4 weeks.  Transfers will be in 2 more weeks, and I think I'll stay here with my companion.  We hope so, we get along well and we work a lot.  He's a really good missionary, he talks Spanish really well for his time, and he has desires to work a lot.  He's getting it figured all out, he only has about 10 weeks now.  I don't have much more then that.  I like learning from others, I have to draw off their ideas and ways of working and I learn quite a bit. We have great return missionaries in the ward who teach us a lot.  
Our mission has 180ish right now, but it will drop in a few months to 150.  Our mission isn't having enough baptisms to have more missionaries we were told.  Its a sad thing, lots of sectors are going to close soon.  Hopefully the smaller group can work harder to raise our numbers so we can get more missionaries back down here.  
So we've been struggling a lot with bringing people to church, do you have any ideas on that?  We've been trying lots of different ideas, nothing really seems to be working out for us.  Some ideas would definitely be appreciated
Love you, Elder Price


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