Casi 7 meses!

This week we had 2 conferences with Elder Christofferson, it was so awesome.  We had one on Saturday with just missionaries, we had the chance to ask him questions.  It was a super awesome time, we learned a lot.  But I think I liked his talk on Sunday even more, he talked about the need for our religion and what it brings into our life, which was a direct answer to a question that one of our investigators had.  She wasn't able to attend, but now we know even better how to help her with this question. We were able to bring a menos activo family, and they really liked it.  It was a very powerful meeting and we know that they felt the Spirit there.  One of the boys even got to go up and shake the apostols hand and meet him.  
In other news, I am leaving this sector this week.  i'm going to go to Valdivia, one of the rainiest cities on earth.  I'm going up there to finsih training a new missionary that arrived about a month ago.  i'm really excited, I was really hoping that I would have the oppurtunity to train, I feel like this next cambio is going to be awesome.  
I am going to miss this sector, the members here are really awesome and I'm leaving some of my missionary friends but I'm als meeting up with a few more up there.

Letter to mom

Yeah, quite a big change actually.  I'm going to go train a new missionary.  i'm really excited, I can't wait to get up there and start working with him.  Are investigators are doing well, a little slow in progressing but now after the conference we had I feel like we are better equiped to help them out.  Its too bad that I won't be here to see them progress more and get baptized, but I know that some of them will definitely take that step.
So that picture we heard about last week, and there was no smoke coming from the volcano.  We're almost positive that somebody just posted an old picture from when it erupted 2 years ago.  We live very close to the volcano, theres no way we would have missed it.  So I don't really have any cool pictures of that.  I've been putting a lot in the folder, I don't know how many there are.  I'll keep getting more from people as we go
I've started reading the New Testament in Spanish, and I read it hand in hand with Jesus the Christ.  It really changes how you understand things, like how the first miracle that Jesus did was change water to wine.  Something impossible.  But it was to show that he could change things that seem like they can't be changed, like he does with us if we let him.  I'm really enjoying studying, and I really love having different book and different people to talk to about all this to get more views and learn more, its awesome
Love you, Elder Price

Letter to Dad

Things went really well this week, we had some good lessons and awesome conferences with Elder Christofferson.  Its incredible what we can learn from God's prophets, I'm never taking General Conference for granted again.  He answered many different questions we had about how to help our investigators and how to grow the church in our area.  This counted as our zone conference for this cambio, the whole mission was gathered together.  There were so many missionaries.  Usually the conferences are just 2 zones, 3 at the maximum.  Those are always great experiences, I love the chance to learn from other people and missionaries.
I feel good with my Spanish, but this next cambio is really going to test it.  I'm going to finish training a new missionary that doesn't really speak Spanish, so I'll be teaching him Spanish while also doing most of the talking while he learns.  It feels so weird to think that not long ago I was in that same position, hopefully I can help him get comfortable fast.
The dual sport ride would be awesome, I've seen several people cruising around here with adventure bikes so it must be a pretty popular place to do it.  The scenery is awesome, it would be a beautiful ride.
Love, ELder Price


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