
This week was another pretty good one, we made good progress with Rosa and invited her to be baptized.  She didn't say no, but she said she needed a bit more time to really find the answer and make sure.  We feel like she will get it soon because she is really trying to know and its awesome.  Monica is still getting ready, she will be all set to get baptized after this week, and she too is really committed.  Those two are our only two progressing investigators, everyone else has been staying the same and its harder to meet with them.  We keep trying to help them out but we can't do everything fr them. 
We went to some waterfalls today with a bunch of other missionaries, and it was beautiful.  I can't upload any pictures today because I forgot my camera and stuff at home.  Next week I will have plenty to show for sure.  
Its weird to think how long I've been gone already, it moves s fast when I'm not thinking about everything at home.  I have the mission and the people I'm serving here to occupy myself and not focus on me, and its great.  Happiness really is found in the service of others.
Adios, Elder Price
Letter to mom
 I should be getting the package this week, the zone leaders will probably bring it to district meeting.  I can't wait to see what I got, thank you.  I've been hanging out with a few missionaries, mostly the hermanas in my district.  They're all really fun.  My best friend here though is a guy named Elder Draper, he was in my MTC district but now hes in a different zone, but we keep in contact a bit still.  Maybe we'll get transfered near by in the next cambio in a few weeks.  
The matrimonio missionaries are doing pretty well, we showed them some investigators and less actives to visit this week.  They're from Post Falls Idaho, and they're really nice.  Elder Tomlinson has pretty good Spanish still but his wife is learning.  
Alright, I'll write you guys next week.  I hope you're all having fun, I love you guys.  
Adios, Elder Price
Letter to dad
Something funny I've really started to notice about my Spanish is that it is much better in specific times then in conversation.  I've noticed that when I am bearing my testimony or giving a talk, the Spirit really helps me out and I talk much better than in just normal conversation.  i've been trying to rely on the Spirit instead of my own knowledge and understanding, and it really makes a difference.  The promise in D&C 84:85 is definitely true. If I just keep studying the word of the Lord and putting material into my brain, the Spirit will easily call it back when needed.  It is still frustrating when people come up and compliment me on how I speak Spanish so well after giving a talk and then I can't even answer them properly, but the closer I stay to the Spirit the more help I receive.  Thats just something that really stood out to me this week.  the Lord definitely helps his missionaries.

Adios, Love you, 
Elder Price 


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