Monica has a baptisimal date!

Monica now has a baptisimal date!  She chose the 9 of December to be baptised in our last appointment with her, it was awesome.  There hasn't been a baptism here in over a year.  She's really great, and she will be ready before December.  We're not able to meet with her often because she has work a lot, but when she has a day off we go visit her and teach.  My companion will go home a week before that, but he's not letting that discourage him from working with her.  she will be an awesome addition to the branch.  We also were able to finally get into some less active members houses and invite them to church and help them out.  One lady, Juana Union, is about 80 years old and really sick, and we had the oppurtunity to give her a blessing.  She is the only member in her house so we plan on visiting her often and seeing if we can teach her kids and family.  We also talked with the familia Rivera and invited them to church.  They seem willing to go, but they have some problems that they're working out and we're helping them come back, and I think they'll be in the church again sometime this month.  
We also found out that we have to move because the matrimonio couple missionaries are taking our house.  We're going to move into a small cabaña this week and stay there until this sector is closed in February.  They're going to pull the Elders out and just leave the senior couple here, which is what this ward really needs. 

Letter to mom

I've been making rice pudding so I've had some sweets, but I do miss home made cookies and brownies.  I'll make some one of these days.  So for the Christmas package, a speaker with an AUX cord input or someway that I can play music would be nice.  But other then that, the sandals and sweats would be great.  The camera is alright, I don't mind it but if you would prefer better pictures you can send me one or give me money for one.  Electronics are cheaper here.  Oh I just thought of something.  A scripture case for my quad would be awesome so it doesn't get messed up in my bag.  Other then that I don't really have anything I need. You guys can fill it with whatever.  I'm not sure what little Chilenos would like, they have fidget spinners and all that stuff down here but most of them just play soccer.  Maybe some american candy or something.  They don't have Reese's here. 
 He doesn't know when his homecoming thing is yet, he doesn't even have his flight plan so his mom might be a better source of information for that stuff.  I'll see if I can find some stuff for you guys and send it back with him.  He was talking about visiting you guys and sending me a picture of it, so you'll probably meet him sooner or later. 
I don't have any more pictures this week, we didn't do anything cool enough to take pictures of us.  I'll see if I can get some for next week.  
Love, Elder Price

These pictures kind of show what most of our sector is like, its very rural and spread out but really pretty. 


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